« We are Elodie’s parents. She will be 8 years old this December 2014. At the age of 7 months she was diagnosed with a brain tumor (anaplasic grade III ependynome).

Elodie was cared for by Dr. Schils who informed us about the seriousness of her disease and explained with the greatest care what we eventually feared.

In spite of his well-known competence, Dr. Schils did not spare his efforts in obtaining all the information specific to this disease, even beyond our borders.

He performed three operations during Elodie’s first two years, each time explaining to us with the greatest clarity what type of operation she was to undergo and the risks involved. And each time asking our consent.

At present Elodie is doing extremely well and all of her yearly examinations are excellent.

We consider Dr. Schils to be at the top of his field of medical surgery, all the while remaining very close to his patient. He is available, human and always listens to his patient. »

The parents of Elodie, 8 years old, Belgium, October 2014